| |

September 21, 2000 - Death of a Legend Continued
The Scrap Metal Trading Company stated that the Eldridge was
transferred to a demolition company for dismantle/destruction, and that they will try to
provide more information on the name of the demolition company, and any photos they may of
October 22, 1999 - Death of a Legend
I received a UPS Worldwide Express Envelope today marked Urgent. It
was from a scrap metal Trading Corporation in Piraeus Greece the letter states;
- "Subject: ex. USS ELDRIDGE
- We have been informed of your interest for the abovementioned vessel.
- We have taken the liberty to write to you this letter in order to inform you that
this vessel is now under our ownership. Therefore if you would still have an interest on
this vessel please contact us at the abovementioned address and numbers, preferably in
Piraeus - Greece, as soon as possible."
Looks as though they are looking for a buyer before turning it into scrap metal.
Yet to be released, this book ("The Philadelphia Experiment from
A-Z") has been written to provide the reader with a complete overview of all acquired
information to date on the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. Currently there are more then
290 Pages (not including pictures) in 9"x6" format. Much of the book has
been written by myself, with exceptional help from Rick Andersen
in the science sections, Montauk, and editing throughout.
I have spent over eight years digging through books, making phone calls
and meeting various people in an effort to compile the following information. I been
interested in the subject of mass displacement, time travel, and other fringe topics for a
number of years.
My interest in the Philadelphia Experiment goes back to the 1980s
with the release of The Philadelphia Experiment, a science-fiction movie drama based on
the legend. Later that same week I was in my local public library, and found The
Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility in pocket novel form, by Charles Berlitz and
William Moore. Knowing that books are often better than the movies, I decided to check the
book out. Upon reading the book, it became very evident that the authors did not consider
the experiment as a fantasy. From here I began to collect information on the experiment,
and so the journey began. As we fast-forward over eight years, we find that the legend of
the Philadelphia Experiment is far from dead. The slim facts that remain are continually
being twisted and augmented; this book was written to pull the twisted information back
into perspective.
At present the legend of The Philadelphia Experiment itself revolves
around a small group of people that will not be quoted, much less named. These people
claim to have unusual knowledge, or even to have been personally involved in the
experiment. When these self-proclaimed witnesses do turn up and are asked any direct
question, they usually brush it aside or respond using vague (or "technical
sounding" to the layman) terms. In preparing this book, and wading through the recent
claims of "inside knowledge" on the PX that some are asserting, I have often
found myself lamenting "How about showing us some schematic diagrams!" or, as
John Lennon might have said, "Just give me some truth!" Much of what is out
there is pseudo-scientific psycho-spiritual fluff. Nevertheless, even though I feel that
the credibility of some of the individuals and events discussed in this book are dubious
at best, I have included them so that you can see what the present legend is, and how it
continues to be embellished.
I think it is important that people start reading The Full
Story when pursuing any fringe topic like Ufology, the Bermuda Triangle, etc. There
are plenty of paranoid delusionists writing books like "Aliens told me Humans
taste like chicken..."
not done ye
The following excerpt from my book is taking from the beginning....
The following account, culled from a variety of sources and
"self-proclaimed witnesses," describes an event that may or may not have
actually taken place. It is the story - or legend - of what has become popularly known as
the "Philadelphia Experiment," also referred to as Project Rainbow.

Project Rainbow was allegedly an experiment conducted upon a small
destroyer escort ship during World War II, both in the Philadelphia Naval Yard and at sea;
the goal was to make that ship invisible to enemy detection. The accounts vary as to
whether the original idea was to achieve invisibility to enemy radar or whether the prize
sought after was more profound: optical invisibility. Either way, it is commonly
believed that the mechanism involved was the generation of an incredibly intense magnetic
field around the ship, which would cause refraction or bending of light or radar
waves around the ship, much like a mirage created by heated air over a road on a summer
day. The legend goes on to say that the experiment was a complete success... except that
the ship actually disappeared physically for a time, and then returned. They wanted
to "cloak" the ship from view, but they got de-materialization and teleportation
It has been claimed that the Philadelphia Experiment was partly an
investigation into how Albert Einstein's "Unified Field Theory for Gravitation and
Electricity" might be used to advantage in the development of electronic
camouflage for ships at sea. Einstein allegedly published his Unified Theory around
1925-27 in German, in a Prussian scientific journal, but it was later withdrawn as
incomplete. This research was aimed at using intense electromagnetic fields to mask a ship
from incoming projectiles, mainly torpedoes. This was later extended to include a study of
creating radar invisibility by a similar field in the air rather than in the water.
The story begins in June of 1943, with the U.S.S. Eldridge, DE
(Destroyer Escort) 173, being fitted with tons of experimental electronic equipment. This
included, according to one source, two massive generators of 75 KVA each, mounted where
the forward gun turret would have been, distributing their power through four magnetic
coils mounted on the deck. Three RF transmitters (2 megawatt CW each, mounted on the
deck), three thousand '6L6' power amplifier tubes (used to drive the field coils of the
two generators), special synchronizing and modulation circuits, and a host of other
specialized hardware were employed to generate massive electromagnetic fields which, when
properly configured, would be able to bend light and radio waves around the ship, thus
making it invisible to enemy observers.
The experiment, said to have taken place at the Philadelphia Naval
Yard and also at sea, took place on at least one occasion while in full view of the
Merchant Marine ship S.S. Andrew Furuseth, and other observation ships. The Andrew
Furuseth becomes significant because one of its crewmen is the source of most of the
original material making up the PX legend. Carlos Allende, a.k.a. Carl Allen, wrote a
series of strange letters to one Dr. Morris K. Jessup in the 1950's in which he described
what he claims to have witnessed: at least one of the several phases of the Philadelphia
At 0900 hours, on July 22nd, 1943, so the story goes, the power to
the generators was turned on, and the massive electromagnetic fields started to build up.
A greenish fog was seen to slowly envelop the ship, concealing it from view. Then the fog
itself is said to have disappeared, taking the Eldridge with it, leaving only
undisturbed water where the ship had been anchored only moments before.
The elite officers of the Navy and scientists involved gazed in awe
at their greatest achievement: the ship and crew were not only radar invisible but
invisible to the eye as well! Everything worked as planned, and about fifteen minutes
later they ordered the men to shut down the generators. The greenish fog slowly
reappeared, and the Eldridge began to dematerialize as the fog subsided, but it was
evident to all that something had gone wrong.
When boarded by personnel from shore, the crew above deck were found
to be disoriented and nauseous. The Navy removed the crew, and shortly after obtained
another. In the end, the Navy decided that they only wanted radar invisibility, and
the equipment was altered.
On the 28th of October in 1943, at 17:15, the final test on the Eldridge
was performed. The electromagnetic field generators were turned on again, and the Eldridge
became near-invisible; only a faint outline of the hull remained visible in the water.
Everything was fine for the first few seconds, and then, in a blinding blue flash, the
ship completely vanished. Within seconds it reappeared miles away, in Norfolk,
Virginia, and was seen for several minutes. The Eldridge then disappeared from
Norfolk as mysteriously as it had arrived, and reappeared back in Philadelphia Naval Yard.
This time most of the sailors were violently sick. Some of the crew were simply
"missing" never to return. Some went crazy, but, strangest of all, five men were
fused to the metal in the ship's structure.
The men that survived were never the same again. Those that lived
were discharged as "mentally unfit" for duty, regardless of their true
So, what had begun as an experiment in electronic camouflage, ended
up as an accidental teleportation of an entire ship and crew, to a distant location and
back again, all in a matter of minutes!
Although the above may seem fantastic, one must remember, that in the 1940s the
atomic bomb was also being invented.
That is the composite Philadelphia Experiment (PX) legend as it has
stood up until very recently, when certain new details were added by a few sources who
claim to be "remembering" their own participation in the project after years of
brainwashing to remove such memories. We will explore these new claims later on in the
After reading the above some basic questions my come to mind such as:
- The Current Legend
You can read this small opening chapter above!
- Notes from the Author
- Information about me (Andrew Hochheimer) and Rick Andersen
- The Philadelphia Experiment Time Line
With all the different sources of information available on the PX
(over 65 books, tapes, etc.) one begins to look at all the dates, and wonder if they all
"jive?" This time line was created to give the reader an overall picture of
events that took place. From a fire in the Eldridge's Galley, to every four hrs of the
day to day running of the ship are detailed.
- A Matter of Time
In the legend of the Philadelphia Experiment two dates are
presented as being the date of the main "deadly" experiment, this chapter
explores all the sources and dates given.
- Carlos Miguel Allende or Carl Meredith Allen or..
Information on Carl Allen, his strange history, his involvement in
the Philadelphia Experiment, and some NEVER published before accounts of what he seen
while viewing the Experiment.
- DR? Morris K. Jessup
This section addresses a lot of opposing information published
about Mr. Jessup; Was he ever officially awarded his Ph. D. or was he as a few books state
"a Used Auto Parts Salesman." Was Morris Jessup 'Troubled' just Before he
'committed suicide' or was the world 'His Oyster?' Did Jessup die in the park or in his
own garage? Was his drunk at the time?
- The Varo Edition
This section covers the mysteriously annotated copy of Mr.
Jessups book, "The Case for the UFO" that was mailed to Admiral N. Furth,
Chief of the Office of Naval Research, with a mysterious "HAPPY EASTER" written
on the manila envelope. The unknown commentators implied knowledge of UFOs and their
propulsion systems, and of at least two different alien races.
- Dr. Rinehart- Was that Reno or Von Neumann?
The name Dr. Rinehart first appeared in the fiction novel
"Thin Air" by George E. Simpson and Neil R. Burger. Dr. Rinehart was later used
by Bill Moore as a pseudonym for a scientist that had worked on some early calculations
(possibly used in an experiment) on the bending of light. Alfred Bielek and Preston
Nichols contend that Dr. Rinehart was actually John von Neumann (much to our amusement.)
This section will examine the various comments made in regards to Dr. Rinehart.
- Ships of the Experiment
A number of ships are described as being part of, or witness to,
the Philadelphia Experiment. This section will discuss the various ships in detail, and
their alleged involvement in the experiment.
- Effects of the Experiment on the Crew
The after effects of the experiment are discussed.
- Evidence of Teleportation?
This chapter covers such topics as: The
"witnesses", Effects of teleportation, Some afterthoughts on our witnesses
- Will The Real People Involved Please Stand Up
This section is a list of a few (over fifty) people that were said
to be in some way involved in the experiment by various individuals. It also encompasses
people that have researched the experiment. This list is by no means complete as the list
of players continues to grow, and somehow change in the field of a witnesss
- The Navy Investigates Magnetism and Gravity
Navy has investigated and supported the scientific study into
Magnetism and Gravity. This chapter includes information on PROJECT MAGNET
- "The Philadelphia Experiment" The Movies
"Reportedly based on a true incident during World War II
involving an anti-radar experiment that caused a navel battleship to disappear in
Virginia..." 3˝ Stars (rated Between Good and Very Good) "Video Movie Guide
1994" By Mic Martin & Marsha Porter, Pg 1032. This chapter discusses some of the
following: Interview quotes from Doug Curtis producer of the PX, Alfred
Bieleks memory returns, Was the movie banned in the US as Mr. Bielek contends?
- The UFO Connection
Discusses possible connections between Ufology and the Philadelphia
- The Soviet Version of the Philadelphia Experiment
What does submarines, electro-magnetic equipment and Mobius Strips
have in common? They are all key elements in the Soviet version of the PX.
- The Montauk Project: Experiments in Gullibility
Covers the ever evolving Montauk Project, including topics like:
What connection does The Montauk Project have with the PX?, A trip inside Montauk AFB,
A visit to Preston's "Space Time Labs", Montauk videos & books, Mars, Is the
government erasing Montauk, Subtle changes in the story as time progresses, Was there a
Montauk Project?
- The Montauk Project Time Line
A breakdown of dates given.
- The Unified Field Theory
This chapter explains the Theory in detail, rather then most books
assuming you (a) already know it, or worse (b) not intelligent enough to grasp it.
- Possible Science Behind the Experiment
In this chapter we explore the possibility that the Philadelphia
Experiment really happened as described in the popular accounts. If it did take place, we
had better have some scientific explanation for it, because if the PX is for real, then it
goes without saying that somebody, somewhere, didnt leave it alone after the 1943
disaster, but has since gone on to develop this thing into a new technology that will have
an undeniable impact on our lives. Example of some of the topics covered: Did
the Philadelphia Experiment actually take place?, Which were they trying to accomplish:
radar or optical invisibility?, What is refraction? What is magnetorefraction?, What is
phase conjugation?, What is resonance?, What is magnetic resonance? How can magnetism be
"resonant"?, Decay vs. spin pumping, What kind of equipment was used aboard ship
to perform the PX?, What has radar got to do with the PX?, How does radar work? and what
is radar invisibility?, What part did Einsteins relativity play in the PX?, What
part do theories of "multiple dimensions" play in the PX?, Was time travel
involved in the Philadelphia Experiment?
- How To Create Optical Invisibility
Discusses Mirages, and a number of ways to create Optical
- Possible Research
- The Carlos Miguel Allende Letters
This chapter contains all the letters Carlos Miguel Allende (AKA
Carl Allen) wrote to Morris K. Jessup. All words, UPPERCASE Letters, underlining, and
spelling appear as in his letters.
- Reference Materials - Books & Videos
list of all research material found on the Philadelphia Experiment,
sorted oldest to newest where possible. This is a supplement to the Bibliography, giving
much more detail about the various publications. A sample from this section can be found
later in this page.
- Reference Materials - Computer Files
Reference list of text files written about the Philadelphia
Experiment. A sample from this section can be found later in this page, with files to
- Reference Materials - Sifting through Cyberspace
Reference list of WWW Pages, and Newsgroups.
- Bibliography
The bibliography contains items not already listed in the Reference
Materials section, for example:
- Bearden, T. E. Toward A New Electromagnetics Part 4: Vectors and
Mechanisms Clarified. Tesla Book Company. 1983
- Cho, C.W. Tetrahedral Physics. Tokyo, Japan: 449 Izumi, Komae City.
- Colombo, John Robert. Mysterious Canada: strange sights,
extraordinary events, and peculiar places. Toronto: Doubleday Canada. 1988
- Couhat, Jean Labayle. Combat Fleets of the World: 1982/83:Their
Ships, Aircraft, and Armament. Maryland, Annapolis: Naval Institute Press. 1982. ISBN
- Hartree, D.R. The Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves in a
Refracting Medium in a Magnetic Field. Proc. Camb., Phil. 1931
- King, Moray B. Tapping the Zero-Point Energy. Provo, UT: Paraclete
Publishing. 1989. ISBN 0962335606
- Kramer, D. Exact Solutions of Einsteins Field Equations.
Edited by E. Schmutzer
- Herbert, Nick. Faster Than Light: Superluminal Loopholes In Physics.
Penguin Books. 1988. ISBN 0-452-26317-4
- Physical Phenomena at High Magnetic Fields. Proceedings; Addison
Wesley, 1992. ISBN 0-201-57869-7.
- Seike, S. The Principles of Ultrarelativity. Tokyo, Japan:
G-research Laboratory. 1971
- Acknowledgments
List of people who helped make this book the most complete volume
of information on the subject.
- Index

1/2 of a sheet from the comments section of the Eldridge's Log
Books, notice the date.

The whole story of the Philadelphia Experiment stems from Carl M.
Allens letters to astronomer, researcher, and writer Morris K. Jessup. Carl provided
most of the "facts" that are still used in books today, for example; The name of
the test ship, the location and date of the experiment, etc. With most of the
"facts" coming from one individual (and later being "confirmed" by
others) one begins to wonder who is Carl Allen, and is he of sound mind.

U.S.S. Eldridge, July 25, 1943

U.S.S. Eldridge at sea in 1944

U.S.S. Eldridge at sea in 1944

U.S.S. Eldridge at sea April 25th, 1944

U.S.S. Eldridge at sea in 1944

U.S.S. Eldridge at sea in 1944

U.S.S. Eldridge at sea April 25th, 1944

U.S.S. Eldridge at sea April 25th, 1944

Ceremony at the Boston Naval Shipyard, Massachusetts, transferring the
ships to the Royal Hellenic Navy, January 15, 1951.

Philadelphia Navel Yard, November 1947

Newport News Shipyard, October 17th, 1944

Norfolk Naval Yard - Helena Annex, December 12th, 1944

Norfolk Naval Yard - Portsmouth, December 12th, 1944

The Montauk Project was allegedly (and unsupportedly), a
continuation of the Philadelphia Experiment of 1943. The experiment was conducted at
Montauk AFB, in the 1950s. Montauk Air Force Station was designed to provide radar
surveillance data, aircraft height determination, and Mark X IFF SIF identification data
and to perform radar mapping prior to transmitting of such data to Air Defense SAGE Units
Here is just a few of over 75 pieces of research material detailed
in my book.

"The Philadelphia Experiment" by William (Bill) L.
Moore, Charles Frambach Berlitz
PAPERBACK: Published by Fawcett Crest, c1979 (Grosset & Dunlap
Inc.) (ISBN 0-449-20526-6)
- - 288 Pages
- - Source of General Information
- - Carl Allende Letters to Dr. Jessup Complete, With underlining.
- - From Letter from the Department of the Navy
- - Inter-Services Code-Word Index, showing a listing for Project
- - Pictures Include: Project Orbitor Committee, Arial view of the
Norfolk Port facilities, Aerial view of the Philadelphia dockyard, Carl Allende (Young),
Carl Allende's Seaman's Certificate, Albert Einstein conferring with Naval Officers, Arial
view of Dry-dock where the Eldridge was Built, U.S.S. Eldridge (DE 173), Dr. John von
Neumann, Townsend Brown

"Invisible Horizons: True Mysteries of the Sea",
Gaddis Vincent H.
HARDCOVER: Published by Chilton Books, c1965 (LCCN 65014893)
PAPERBACK: Published by Ace Books, c1965, 256 Pages
- - Chapter 15 "Is There An Answer?"
- - Reprints of the Varo editions Introduction Pages, and other

"Revelations" Alien Contact and Human Deceptions by
Jacques Vallee
PAPERBACK: Published by Ballantine Books, c1991 (ISBN 0-345-37566-1
LCCN 91-858)
- - 310 Pages, Pages 198-208 About the PX.
- - New information on Carl M. Allende, and the PX
- - Pictures Include: Carl M. Allende (1983)

"The Eye Of The Storm" Narrated by Stan Deyo
- - Interview with Charles Berlitz on the PX
- - 1 Hr, 30 Min Video
"Mysteries of Mind, Space & Time - The
HARDCOVER: Published by H. S. Stuttman Inc. Westport, Connecticut,
06880. Orbis Publishing Ltd. ©1992. (ISBN 0-87475-575-1)
- - 26 Volume Study of the paranormal, mystical and psychic phenomena.
- - Pages 707, 1858, and 2210-2217 are about the PX.
- - Provides new information and comment on Berlitz & Moores
- - Pictures Include: Aerial view of the Philadelphia dockyard, Carl
Allende, Crew Photo of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth, Launching of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth,
U.S.S. Eldridge (DE 173), Commander George W. Hoover, Member of ONR., Charles Berlitz,
William Moore, Naval documents at Norfolk, Virginia, Chart showing where the Eldridge and
the Furuseth were sailing.,
"Anatomy of a Hoax: The Philadelphia Experiment Fifty
Years Later" by Jacques F. Vallee
- Published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Volume 8, Number
1, Page 47.
- - Some new information on the PX.
- - Interview with Edward Dudgeon.
- - Pictures Include: {Not sure, as I received a pre-release copy of
the article from Jacques Vallee, and at the time did not have pictures.
- - WWW Site
"Without A
Trace" by Charles Frambach Berlitz, with collaboration of J. Manson
HARDCOVER: Published by Doubleday & Company, INC. Garden City, N.Y., ©1977, (ISBN
0-385-11139-8), 180 Pages
PAPERBACK: Published by Ballantine Books, Toronto, Canada, ©1978 (ISBN 0-345-27204-8,
LCCN 76-41438), 214 Pages
PAPERBACK: Published by Granada Publishing Ltd. ©1978 (ISBN 0-586-045550-3), 222 Pages
- - Chapter 10 "Roads to Other Worlds"
- - Dr. Valentine Interviewed
- - Allende Letters
- - Dr. Jessups Death Certificate
- - Pictures Include: Crew Photo of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth, Launching of the S.S. Andrew
Furuseth, Picture of a Destroyer Escort, Dr. Jessups Death Certificate
"Alias Carlos Allende" By Robert A. Goerman
Published in FATE magazine #33, No. 10, October, ©1980.
- - 130 Pages, 10x7 Format
- - Pages 69-75 About the PX
- - Recounts the Jessup / Carl Allen / Varo Edition
- - New information on Carl Allen's family and past.

Mass Market Paperback Reissue edition 288 Pages
(September 1994)
The Philadelphia
Experiment : Project Invisibility; William L. Moore, Charles Berlitz - Source of
General Information
- Carl Allende Letters to Dr. Jessup Complete, With underlining.
- From letter from the Department of the Navy
- Inter-Services Code-Word Index, showing a listing for Project "Rainbow"
- Pictures Include:
Project Orbitor Committee
Aerial view of the Norfolk Port facilities
Aerial view of the Philadelphia dock
Carl Allende (Young)
Carl Allende's Seaman Certificate
Albert Einstein conferring with Naval Officers
Aerial view of dry-dock where the Eldridge was constructed.
U.S.S. Eldridge (DE 173)
Dr. John von Neumann
T. Townsend Brown

Paperback - 84 Pages (September 1996)
(Classified); Terry Deary |

Paperback (April 1990) - 154 Pages
Inner Light Publications
Experiment and Other Ufo Conspiracies; Brad Steiger Alfred Bielek's story of the
Philadelphia Experiment figures prominently in the book. Steiger also quotes Bielek in
reference to other UFO "conspiracy" type information.
- Several pages are devoted to a sampling of quotes from the famed "VARO"
edition of "The Case for the UFO."
- Pictures Include:
Aerial view of the Philadelphia dockyard
Alfred Bielek
Carl Allende (Young)
Dr. John von Neumann
U.S.S. Eldridge (DE 173)
M. K. Jessup
Brad Steiger
Mass Market Paperback - 310 Pages (October 1992)
Alien Contact and Human Deception; Jacques Vallee - New information on Carl Allen,
and the PX
- Pictures Include:
Carl M. Allen taken in 1983
Paperback - 232 Pages (March 1997)
Mysteries of
Time and Space; Brad Steiger - Chapter 13, "...Their Mysterious
- The Carl Allen letters, Jessup, and the Varo edition are discussed.
Paperback - 271 pages (July 1999)
The Time Travel
Handbook: A Manual of Practice Teleportation & Time Travel; by David Hatcher
Childress (Editor)

Paperback - 160 Pages (1992)
The Montauk
Project : Experiments in Time; Peter Moon(Contributor) - Book based on Preston
Nichols memories.
- Pictures Include:
Montauk Air Force Base
Radar Reflector
Amplitron Thyratron
Montauk Chair Diagrams & Drawings
The Beast & Devastated Building
Planetary Cross Point
Various Diagrams & Drawings
Paperback - 249 pages (December 1994)
Revisited: Adventures in Synchronicity; Preston B. Nichols - Pictures Include:
Long Island overview map
Montauk Point Lighthouse
Alexander Duncan Cameron, Jr.
Alfred Bielek
Alexander Duncan Cameron, Sr.
Preston B. Nichols
Town of Montauk
Montauk Mystery Closets
The Montauk Manor
The Montauk Tower
Delta T Antenna

Paperback - 256 pages (February 1995)
Pyramids of
Montauk : Explorations in Consciousness (The Montauk Trilogy Book 3); Preston B,
Nichols, et al / Paperback / Published 1995 |
Paperback - 302 pages (May 1997)
The Black Sun :
Montauk's Nazi-Tibetan Connection (Montauk Series, Bk. 4); Peter Moon, Nina Helms
(Illustrator) / Paperback / Published 1997 |
Paperback - 256 pages (January 2001)
The Philadelphia
Experiment Murder : Parallel Universes and the Physics of Insanity; Alexandra Bruce,
Peter Moon / Paperback / Published January 2001 |
Paperback - 137 Pages (1994)
Experiment Chronicles; Commander X - Pictures Include:
Albert Einstein conferring with Naval Officers
M. K. Jessup
Project Orbitor Committee
Carl Allende's Seamans Certificate
Carl Allende (Young)
"The Strange Case Of Dr. M. K. Jessup" - cover Alfred Bielek in Ivan T.
Sandersons study.
Alfred Bielek
Alfred Bielek (Young)
U.S.S. Eldridge (DE 173)
Aerial view of dry-dock where the Eldridge was constructed.
Entrance to prison where experiments were preformed at Montauk
Duncan Cameron, Preston Nichols, and Al Bielek beneath Montauk
Old computer center in Montauk
Helga Marrow beneath Montauk
Outside view of the old computer center at Montauk
"new" wiring door / cover
Paperback (March 1998)
Montauk : The
Alien Connection; Stewart Swerdlow, et al / Paperback / Published 1998 |
- 267 pages (August 1987)
Anti-Gravity and
the World Grid; David H. Childress - Explaines the Eldridges' Teleportation
by the use of the World Grid.
- Reprints of the Carl Allen Letters to Dr. Jessup.
- Newspaper Clipping "Navy has lots of tricks to make carriers disappear" dated
Aug 21,1986.
- Pictures Include:
Albert Einstein conferring with Naval Officers
Carl Allende (Young)
Aerial view of the Philadelphia dock
Crew Photo of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth
Launching of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth
Map of Norfolk / Newport News
Map of Philadelphia and Vicinity
Chart Showing where the Eldridge and the Furuseth were sailing.
Out of Print But We Will Find It For You
Paperback - 222 Pages (1978)
Without a Trace;
Charles Berlitz - Chapter 10 "Roads to Other Worlds"
- Dr. Valentine Interviewed
- Allende Letters
- Dr. Jessups Death Certificate
- Pictures Include:
Crew Photo of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth
Launching of the S.S. Andrew Furuseth
Picture of a Destroyer Escort
Dr. Jessups Death Certificate
Paperback - 192 pages (October 1998)
The Montauk
Files; K. B., Jr. Wells |
Hardcover - 58 Pages (March 1994)
How to Construct
the Philadelphia Experiment : Practical Time Travel; Steven Gibbs |
Out of Print But We Will Find It For You
Paperback - 253 Pages (1975)
The Bermuda
Triangle; Charles Frambach Berlitz, with collaboration of J. Manson Valentine. -
Dr. Valentine Interviewed
Out of Print But We Will Find It For You
Enigmas and
Mysteries; Colin, Wilson - Includes information on the Soviet version of the
Philadelphia Experiment
- Pictures Include:
Picture of a Destroyer Escort
Out of Print But We Will Find It For You
Paperback - 318 Pages (1978)
Thin Air;
George E. Simpson, Neal R. Burger |
Videos That can be ordered on-line.
NTSC format (US and Canada only)
Color, VHS
The True
Story Of The Philadelphia Experiment The rumors have persisted for over fifty
years. They have all the trappings of fiction, yet there are those who persist on
believing that the U.S. Navy actually rendered a warship invisible and teleported it to
and from the Philadelphia Naval Yards in a top-secret project.
THE TRUE STORY OF THE PHILADELPHIA EXPERIMENT chronicles the origins and spread of this
tallest of all sailor's tall tales, revealing how research into antisubmarine technology
likely provided the catalyst for the accounts and documenting stages in the story's
development in the pages of pulp fiction. Of course, it wouldn't be fair to ignore the
other side of the story, so HISTORY'S MYSTERIES seeks out eyewitnesses to the alleged
event to hear their tales of clandestine operations and strange occurrences at the
Philadelphia Naval Yards. Finally, we'll examine the science that might support the
fantastic accounts in a visit to Cal Tech, where scientists are currently conducting
experiments in teleportation.
Travel back in time for an authoritative examination of the Philadelphia Experiment
NTSC format (US and Canada only)
Color, VHS, 102min
The Philadelphia
Experiment 1; Directed by Stewart Raffill, Starring: Michael Paré, Nancy Allen
Purchase on DVD: The Philadelphia
Experiment 1 |

NTSC format (US and Canada only)
Color, VHS, Closed-captioned, Dolby, HiFi Sound, Surround Sound
The Philadelphia
Experiment 2; Directed by Stephen Cornwell |
NTSC format (US and Canada only)
Color, VHS
Science of the
Impossible 'Invisible Forces'; Segment on The Philadelphia Experiment |
118,903 |
10-23-92 |
The Philadelphia Experiment, as told by a survivor. (note: I do not
support his "story") Transcript of the January 13th, 1990, Mufon Conference
Metroplex in Dallas TX. - Alfred Bielek, Speaker. By: Clay Tippen By Many Spelling
Corrections to Names, Places, Words, Style.. With Concluding Comments. By: Rick Andersen |
14,504 |
02-01-90 |
Notes on Philadelphia Experiment from Mufon lecture of Al Bielek
w/comments. By: Jerry W. Decker |
23,793 |
10-28-92 |
Copy of the Three Carlos Miguel Allende Letters to Dr. M. K. Jessup
concerning the experiment. By: Andrew H. Hochheimer |
11,184 |
06-15-92 |
Report on Book 'Invisibility Technology' by Alexander Strang Fraser,
Alternate Explanation For Philadelphia Experiment. By: Rick Andersen |
55,432 |
09-25-92 |
The Philadelphia Experiment & Nuclear Resonance Imaging, a possible
spin-off technology. Including many book quotes. By: Rick Andersen |
4,413 |
09-24-92 |
Transcript from Fox 50's "Sightings" about The Flight 19 &
the Philadelphia Exp. By: Andrew H. Hochheimer |
19,658 |
11-08-97 |
Air Force Colonel talking about the basic technology used for
time-shifting and for the Philadelphia Experiment. |
Keely Net Mirror Site
Lots of UFO & Fringe Science Documents.
Elektromagnum This site is devoted
to speculative Electromagnetics and especially the possible explanation of gravity/inertia
by EM.
The Esoteric Physics Homepage: Rick
Andersen's Homepage
Montauk Project discussion page: Open Forum
for talk about the Montauk Project
Mike Jarmus Program
12/07/1997 Interview with Al Bielek and Preston Nichols discussed The Philadelphia
Experiment / Montauk Project Revisited.
Mike Jarmus Program
1/31/1999 Interview with Al Bielek and Preston Nichols
Mike Jarmus Program
2/15/1998 Interview with Drue, on the Philadelphia Experiment. This show will go down in
Mike Jarmus history as the battle of the time travelers... Al Bielek phoned in and challenged Drue on many of the facts concerning the famous
Note: The Following two Links are no longer working,
If anyone has found the new links let me know.
Art Bell Rebroadcast
of a three hr interview in 1993 with Al Beilek, and a 1994 two hr Interview with Preston
B. Nichols. (Five Hrs Total!)
Art Bell Rebroadcast
June 12th, 1998 interview with Al Beilek
Notes: You can order the Eldridge's complete World War II action report and
war diary coverage, including the remarks section of the 1943 deck log from this site.
Notes: Information in relation of Office of Naval Research (ONR) to the PX.
USS Eldridge (DE-173), 1943-1951
Notes: Pictures of the Eldridge, and ordering information for pictures taken
of the Eldridge.
NARA Archival Information Locator (NAIL)
Notes: Search the National Archives for information, pictures, etc. Contains
digital reproductions of all letters Albert Einstein sent to the U.S. Navy Bureau of
Ordnance, etc.
News Library
Notes: Search various newspaper articles across the USA for articles
published since 1977.
Philadelphia Experiment: Didn't
Happen Says Former Crew Members
Notes: Good Article that appeared in "The Philadelphia Inquirer",
PA by Lacy McCrarey - March 26 1999
Philadelphia Experiment- Quest
for Truth Attempts to debunk most stories, provide realistic views, includes pictures
and book reviews.
Quest for Truth: The Philadelphia Experiment
Philadelphia Experiment Chat 11/7/1998
Archive A chat archive with author and researcher Marshall Barnes.
Philadelphia Experiment Chat 3/12/1999
Archive A chat archive with author and researcher Marshall Barnes.
Experiment Now, we're gonna make everything CLEAR about that rumor.
ORION Technology Orion Technology
and other Secret Projects
Notes: PX, Montauk Project, weather control and other experiments. Somewhat
out there...
Invisible Technology An
Optical and Radar Invisibility Technique Deduced from the World War II "Philadelphia
Experiment" Legend
Notes: Alexander Strang Fraser's Complete Theory / mini booklet
Montauk Project Exposed And the
found Montauk Project Underground Videos...
Notes: Lots of information about the incredibly badly filmed, motion sickness
inducing, insane Montauk Videos...
The Eldridge is in the Greek
Navy - G. Pantoulas The Current Whereabouts of the USS Eldridge The Ship Tested in the
Philadelphia Experiment (reported by George Pantoulas)
Anatomy Of A Hoax: The Philadelphia
Experiment 50 Years Later by Jacques F. Vallee
Notes: Contains Rebuttal by Marshall Barnes
Notes: This page contains a brief description of the PX
Disappearing Act An article about
the Philadelphia Experiment, from UFOcity.com
Philadelphia Experiment- Montauk
Esoteric Physics Rick
Andersen's Collection of Ruminations from Science on the Edge
The Philadelphia
Experiment In Oil City & Reno, PA
Notes: Info on the Franklin/Reno Sign mentioned in W. L. Moore's book
Interview with Al Bielek 1991 Al
Bielek spoke with The Scribe interview team in Yelm. Bielek gave an update on the current
use of mind control and psychic warfare, and also offered a more detailed account of his
experience in the Montauk Project. Montauk, also known as the Phoenix Project, used Bielek
and his brother Duncan Cameron, to explore the underground cities of Mars.
Notes: What can I say, More techno-babble from the Montauk buddies.
The Philadelphia Experiment
and Ascension
Philadelphia Blue The
Philadelphia Experiment by Joe Turner
Experiment: The Technical Aspects By Gavin Dingley
Notes: Talks about Cyclotron resonance as a possible process used for
the experiment
The UnMuseum - The Philadelphia
Alias Carlos Allende- The
Mystery Man Behind the Philadelphia Experiment
Notes: FATE article Robert A. Goerman - October 1980
In Search of the Philadelphia